Thursday, July 7, 2011

Here we go...

After getting requests from 3 different people in one week to start blogging I've decided to do it. Plus, I can't sleep. I seem to be the go to person to answer questions like, who has the best inexpensive cocktail dresses for summer, what's a great appetizer recipe, who is the best tailor in KC, etc. This will be a place to answer all of those questions and a place to pass on all of the random knowledge that I acquire everyday in my life as a visual merchandiser and professional eaves dropper.

Recently my mother, who for the sake of anonymity, we shall refer to, told me that you can clean your house with vodka. So, you can get drunk. On vodka. Then clean your house. With vodka. And then pass out in a house that is now messier than when you started. Or, you could clean your house. With vodka. Then reward yourself. With vodka. And pass out in a clean house. Or you could do what my good friends the Brantman's did mix pineapple infused vodka with Pelegrino limonata. Add a couple ice cubes. You can then all a cleaning service and sit in your back yard getting drunk. On pineapple vodka. While someone else cleans your house.

Or you could do what my friend's Pam and Tina and did... You can decide that your cheap lambrusco isn't strong enough and decide (Pam) to mix flavoured vodka into your cheap lambrusco. Now, this is for the slightly more, how should I put this, alcoholic of readers. And your house will probably never be clean (Tina) but you will have some funny stories to tell down the road when you have lost your job and are now cleaning hotel rooms for a living (me).

Point being... you have a lot of options. With vodka.